West-Australia is a dream come true for European kitesurfing adepts. The coastline stretches from Esperance & Margaret River in the South-West up to Shark Bay and Gnaraloo up North. Along this 5.000 km long coastline endless opportunities for tranquile as well as hard-core wave kite sessions are available. Get a car and wonder this continent.
Esperance - Augusta - Boodjidup - Margareth River Mouth - Lancelin - Greenough - Geraldton - Shark Bay - Kalbarri - Vlamingh Head - Gnaraloo
When the European autumn depressions arrive, you already can leave for the West-Coast. Until March the SE tradewinds blow, strenghtened by the boiling sun. Get at least one spare +50 sunblock.
The south easterlies pick up around noon and get the strongest toward 17:00. Best wind conditions available in clear blue skies. Temperatures in December - Januari rise till 38°C.
The Southern part op Western Australia is pretty populated, the more you go North, the more the villages get smaller and remote. Always carry 2 l water in your truck. Travel is safe. Roads are well prepared but take care of jumping kangarous.